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Snow and lights

December 8, 2005

We got hit with about 5 inches of snow, blowing with high winds today.  Naturally it happens just as we are preparing to move one of our offices into another building.
On the bright side, our neighbors have set up lovely Christmas lights to reflect off the new-fallen snow.  Though I seldom (and I mean, almost never) have energy for decoration, I do appreciate those who do.  :-)

Categories: Geeky, Weather
  1. WeeDram
    December 9, 2005 at 19:57 | #1

    Congratulations!  We had predictions of 3-6” overnight, but we got nearly nothing.  Sounds like the CRV + Nokians would have been more useful in B-N than Rah-cha-cha.

  2. December 9, 2005 at 22:24 | #2

    Oh, I wouldn’t worry;  you’ll have your turn.  Buying a CRV and putting Nokians on it was a smart move for your neck of the woods.

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