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Busy week open thread

November 7, 2006

Lots going on at work this week, and I am going to Chicago for two days.  Will probably come home with a full load of exhaustion so posting may be light.

Voted today, with the hope of a split government.  We have seen enough of one party drunk with power, haven’t we?

Also voted for Rich Whitney, the Green candidate, for Governor of Illinois.  Our other two choices were dismal and I’d love to see third parties take a bigger role.

Categories: Politics
  1. Mina
    November 8, 2006 at 02:46 | #1

    I voted democrat. It was the lesser of the five available evils, really We didn’t have any libertarian candidates in Rhode Island, and the independents weren’t much better than the standard republican/democrate fare, so I ended up voting for a split government as well.

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