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I’m going to try returning to work on Monday

June 13, 2009

Doctor T pronounced our latest remediation successful, (!) and that it’s OK for me to try going back to work on Monday.  Though I’m still very weak, it’s been better since I got off the Levoquin.  To get ready I’m hitting the treadmill harder, getting out of the house more, and trying to stay focused for longer periods.  Still having trouble sleeping but I expect that will iron itself out as activity increases.

Food is still problematic though I am making progress.  This week I have edged up over the 1000 cal/day line so the weight loss has leveled off at 30 lbs.  But it’s a balancing act. MrsDoF ordered Pizza for her birthday and I had a slice; let’s just say it’ll be a while before the next one.  I need to eat tiny portions at very frequent intervals.

This is crunch-time at work, when we use the summer to prepare for the Fall semester.  Ordinarily I’m helping with computer deliveries, un-crating, moving stuff but not this Summer.  But there is plenty of desk work for me to do, liberating the other guys for more physical stuff.  For about the next month I’ll have to sit in a chair with a back instead of on a stool as I usually do. 

There have been expressions of concern that it’s “too soon” but I don’t know what another week drifting along would really do for me that moderate activity would not do.  I really will be careful and “taking it easy”, with the help of co-workers and family.  And I miss the office; “rest” is driving me nuts.

Categories: Uncategorized
  1. June 13, 2009 at 07:49 | #1

    Progress! Back to the Salt Mine!

  2. June 13, 2009 at 07:58 | #2

    Great to hear man!

  3. June 13, 2009 at 10:54 | #3

    Enjoy getting back in the harness but do take care!

  4. gruntled atheist
    June 13, 2009 at 20:01 | #4

    Hope it goes well!

  5. June 13, 2009 at 21:09 | #5

    Glad to see you on your feet again.  but DO pay attention…


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