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Blagojevich makes our day… finally

December 9, 2008

The rest of the country is just learning about “Governor Rod” (his porn star name, presumably) but we’ve known about him for a long time.  Not only is he supremely corrupt, but he is nuts as well.  If we could turn his delusions of grandeur into energy we wouldn’t need nuclear or wind power.

Anyway, it was a light-hearted day at the office.  People were going from one room to the other; “Have you heard?!”  We were doing satirical impressions of him – I don’t think anybody was sorry to see him hit the wall.  Worst of all is that he ran on an “ethics in government” platform.  He was going to clean up government and all we (state employees) got was having to take ethics tests every year from one of the most corrupt governors our state has ever had.  And, I’m including the one who’s in prison right now.

Other links:  Dana captures the moment pretty from all the way over in Washington state.  But Cajun is positive this means Blago and Obama were plotting together to turn our country into a Socialist dictatorship.  And the Chicago Tribune is pretty much saying “We told you so” to a state that’s saying; “We know, we know!”  New York Times is clearly not exactly shocked by the whole affair. 

Wait – best of all, Digital Cuttlefish has written one of his wonderful poems about the governor!  Yea!!!

Categories: Uncategorized
  1. December 9, 2008 at 22:19 | #1

    I grew up in that politically benighted state.

    At least “the big Rod” is still entitled to a “presumption of innocence.” By the bye, a person is not “innocent until proven guilty,” they are entitled to a “presumption” of innocence until proven guilty. If someone strangles the postman, they are guilty of it, even if never arrested or prosecuted.


  2. December 9, 2008 at 22:34 | #2

    You know, George, I’ve got this thing and it’s golden, uh, uh, uh, I’m not just giving it up for nothing. I’m not going to do it. And, and I can always use it. I can parachute me there.

    bleeping bleeping bleeper bleeper mother bleeper.

  3. Still Me
    December 9, 2008 at 23:21 | #3


  4. Still Me
    December 9, 2008 at 23:29 | #4

    That prematurely-submitted smiley means I was just thinking that corruption is why the Illinois toll roads never became freeways even tho that was the promise forty years ago. Corruption does seem to be part of Illinois’ history. At least he didn’t bulldoze an airport in the middle of the night. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.  I do, however, hope Obama does not get hurt by careless, untrue accusations.

  5. Still Me
    December 9, 2008 at 23:31 | #5

    And he does have awesome hair.

  6. December 11, 2008 at 21:23 | #6

    Speaking of tollways Still Me, you know his name is on all the tollways now. So every time you pay your going to wonder what you were paying for…

    Let me tell ya George, it was an interesting day at the office for me too. With all the Repubs I work with.

    What’s funny about this is how Blago brought all of us together for at least a small moment.

  7. Still Me
    December 11, 2008 at 22:08 | #7

    Oh, webs, I didn’t know that about the signs.  Funny.  Funny indeed.

  8. December 12, 2008 at 08:29 | #8

    A hearty congratulations!  Getting rid of him must be like Christmas coming early.

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