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October 29, 2006

It isn’t often something really frightening finds its way into a Sunday comic.  But Foxtrot nailed it this morning.  Jason is showing off his Halloween costume to his brother, and explains;

“Computer experts have been warning for years that these things can be easily hacked, and without a paper trail, there’s no way to verify the vote counts weren’t tampered with.  Now, here we are nine days before elections, and reportedly one third of all jurisdictions will use them.

“Seriously, can you think of anything scarier?”

And then Jason’s brother does. (Click the single cartoon frame above to find out what)

BONUS QUESTION:  Why aren’t Republicans up in arms about electronic voting machines?  Setting aside the hypothetical Diebold conspiracy that would benefit their side, do you suppose there are more Democrat hackers or Republican hackers?  Paper ballots are in everyone’s interest.

Categories: Politics
  1. Mrs SEB
    October 29, 2006 at 14:41 | #1

    I think it is scary that so many people just don’t care about voting period.

    Why does it seem like those same apathetic people are the first to bitch and complain too?

  2. October 29, 2006 at 19:37 | #2

    Well, historically the democrats have the longest record of stealing elections..but I figure that is just because the democratic party predates the GOP by some twenty five or thirty years.

  3. October 30, 2006 at 14:05 | #3

    We will never go back to paper, we need the speed, we are addicted to the instant answer, the instant solution. We don’t do patient. If WWII started today, we would lose, we no longer have the staying power to see anything through to the end. I would think hackers would be independants, they loath any kind of organization unless they have pocket protectors.

  4. October 31, 2006 at 01:13 | #4

    Why aren’t Republicans up in arms about electronic voting machines?  Setting aside the hypothetical Diebold conspiracy that would benefit their side, do you suppose there are more Democrat hackers or Republican hackers?  Paper ballots are in everyone’s interest.

    As the party in power, the GOP Powers that Be seem singularly unaware that they might be out of power.  As it stands, so long as they are in power, they have no problem with setting precedent that will come back to haunt them (and us) in the decades ahead.

    Though I was amused about a bit of a kefuffle today, as it turned out that some significant chunk of the voting machine (or software) business is owned, in part, by a Venezuelan firm “with ties to Hugo Chavez.”  That might get a few Republican eyebrows raised.

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