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Amnesty International investigates Santa’s Workshop for Bumble-rights violations

December 2, 2004

I’ve probably seen the 1964 animated movie, Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer a dozen times in my life and each time I found it mildly entertaining and harmless.  Leave it to the younger generation to notice things…

My 19-year-old son watched it last night and pointed out that the Bumble (obviously an extremely rare species of Arctic predator) was de-fanged and enslaved by the misfit elf, Hermie, whose ambition was to be a dentist.  Well, not just de-fanged but all his teeth pulled out – and then (unable to survive in the Arctic wilderness without his teeth) he became a heavy-lifting specialist at Santa’s workshop.

Ugh.  How the hell did I miss that angle?  And people say today’s video games are sick. 

(It’s worth noting that Saddam Hussein did the same thing to someone who worked in one of his palaces.  The poor guy displeased him so he had all the guy’s teeth knocked out, and forbade him to wear dentures so he’d “remember” the price that one paid for failing to cater to Saddam.)

Someone else reviewed the movie and noted that Rudolph’s parents were ashamed of his malformed nose, and kept him from integrating in reindeer society.  Gad!  That’s just horrible.

Merry Christmas, everyone…

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