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Meeting God

April 19, 2005

OK, here’s the setup: you’re a really smart guy, you’re laid off from work, you’re a popular blogger, it’s the middle of the night, and you sit down to write a short story about meeting God…

Tom was confused. He had expected to feel a massive impact along with the horrible screeching of twisted metal as the SUV plowed into the driver’s door of his smaller car. He had clenched his jaw and shut his eyes at the last second when he realized what was about to happen and it was as if he had squeezed the whole of reality out of existence in doing so. No lurching feeling as the car was shoved sideways by the truck. No pelting of his face and hands by small bits of safety glass from the side window. No blaring of horns.


Just an unnerving silence and…

Plan on twenty minutes to read the whole thing, which I really recommend.  It’s good stuff:  “Meeting God,” by Les jenkins

By the way, money’s getting pretty tight for Les, being out of work and all.  If you appreciate the great content he creates for all of us to ponder, click here to read how you can help.  Think of it as tossing a buck in the hat.

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