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You can’t ride all the time

December 16, 2008

When it’s just cold, and the streets are dry or only a little icy, riding a bike is pretty easy.  (Ski goggles help a lot.) Ice is slipperier the warmer it is. After an ice storm, unless you have studded tires, forget it.  Riding on a half-inch of snow is easy, but when it gets to two or three inches, it’s a real aerobic workout.  And automobile tire tracks can throw you.

Whenever you ride across a really icy patch, ride straight; you can’t apply very much Δv.  This requires planning ahead so you can make changes in speed or direction after you are back on relatively dry pavement.

And if it’s dark, don’t make automobile drivers guess where you are; they may not make the effort.  Bike lights are cheap and better than ever.

Massbike.org says; “There are lots of reasons why riding in the winter is not as crazy as it sounds…”

Categories: bicycling, Geeky
  1. December 17, 2008 at 10:33 | #1

    You are a brave soul George!  I don’t even walk well in these conditions.

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