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Today is Blogroll Amnesty Day

February 2, 2009

Today is something called “Blogroll Amnesty Day,” in which you’re supposed to link to five blogs with smaller traffic than your own:

…take a moment to write a post linking to (and pointing out to your readers) 5 blogs w/traffic smaller than yours. this inclusive and magnanimous yet easy-to-do gesture will not only expose your readers to new voices and those voices to new readers, it will foster a sense of community, support and all-around kumbaya amongst the progressive infrastructure.

First of all, I don’t even know what my own traffic volume is; I’ve never bothered to check.  Smart, funny people show up and leave comments and I love that!  And second, “Amnesty?”  Did somebody do something bad they need amnesty for?  Maybe the entire Bush administration, but even if they had blogs, I’d be unlikely to read them.  The blogs I read are way cool.

So I’m not taking part in today’s event.  (OK, yeah, actually I didn’t know about it until this minute so I’m really not ready to turn in the assignment, teacher.  But it sounds cooler if I refuse on principle.)

Tomorrow, I shall institute “Blogroll Awesomeness Day” in which I shall link to TEN blogs I think are awesome.  Ha!

Categories: Uncategorized
  1. February 2, 2009 at 10:02 | #1

    How would I know if someone has less traffic than me?

  2. February 3, 2009 at 07:54 | #2

    You just pwnd Not Bad Day.  That’s awesome!

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