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An invitation for next Wednesday

August 1, 2007

There are a lot of ways to measure and define political afiliation, like the Political Compass Test, or if you prefer a package deal, you can just pin on a label such as “Democrat” or “Libertarian”.

It occurred to me in a comment string a couple posts back  that it might throw some light from a different angle, to pick my favorite and least-favorite politicians, and explain “why”.  What did I like about X or hate about Y?  I’m working on that list now, and plan to post it next Wednesday, 08 August.  And I’m not “tagging” anyone with this meme, just inviting everyone who’s agreeable to give it a try.

Here are the “rules”:  Choose your 5 favorite and 5 least favorite American politicians dating back through your parents’ generation.  Give an explanation no more than three sentences long for each one.  The politicians need not be well-known.  If you’re really an incurable political junkie, you can go 10 and 10 with the same limitation on explanation length.  I’ll probably go with 5 and 5.

When you get your post ready, leave a link back to it in the comments of next Wednesday’s post here.  I’m looking forward to reading what everyone comes up with!  Hope several people will decide to participate.

Categories: Politics