Home > Geeky, Software > “Web Developer” Firefox plugin

“Web Developer” Firefox plugin

July 6, 2007

For sheer “amplitude of dude! you should totally check this out!” utility (and assuming you are involved in creating web pages at any level) here is the most totally awesome Firefox plugin for those in the HTML/page design crowd:

Web Developer

Sorry about the excess of superlatives.  It’s a free, incredibly useful suite of web/graphics/css analysis tools that fits right into Firefox.  And Webs05 knew about it since February and didn’t tell me. Of course, being younger and hipper, he’s always out ahead on this stuff…

Categories: Geeky, Software
  1. July 6, 2007 at 12:50 | #1

    Of course, being younger and hipper, he’s always out ahead on this stuff…

    LOL, yea because if that were true I would have told you back in February, just to rub it in. ;-P

    I just laugh because I used the plugin for about a month or so back in January when I first heard of it, and then got super busy with work/class/and teaching that it just skipped me.  To bad because the plugin is incredibly useful.  I’m sure there were times in the last 4 months I could have used it.

  2. ABhilasha Sharma
    July 9, 2007 at 15:46 | #2

    You should also check out the firebug plugin


    It helped me fix css and HTML coding problems like 1 million times…and the best part of it is that you can actually see on runtime which css element is applied..kindda handy when you have multiple css scripts applied to single page…

    Once again, since its firefox its freee…and totally awsome ..

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