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Bush lost the war

April 10, 2007

The real purpose of “the surge”, it occurs to me, may be to facilitate blaming defeat on liberals.  After all, we wouldn’t want people to wake up to the reality that the war was already lost much earlier than that:

if you are a blogger, this is your chance to express the truth that Bush—and no one else—is responsible for loosing the Iraq war. He lost it when he invaded Iraq without a viable exit strategy. He lost it when he invaded Iraq without enough troops to handle the invasion’s aftermath. He lost it when he disbanded the Iraqi military, thus setting tens of thousands of armed men loose without jobs or income, and nothing better to do than form an opposition. He lost it when he failed to rebuild Iraq in a timely fashion. He lost it when he failed to provide the troops to secure Iraq’s borders. He lost it when… You get the picture.
Paul at Cafe Philos: Bush Lost The War

Not sure I agree that it was only Bush, though.  Plenty of room on that leaky rowboat for Rummy, and Rove, and other parties to be named.  But certainly Bush lost the war.  Pass it on.

Categories: defense, Politics
  1. April 10, 2007 at 08:29 | #1

    Ultimately, though, the buck stops with Bush.  He may have had bad advisors, but it happened on his watch.

    Of course, even more ultimately, the buck stops with the American people for electing, then reelecting him and his compliant Congress.  *We* lost the war by letting it be fought, by letting it be fought badly, and by being far too sluggish in holding responsible the representatives (starting with Bush) who did so.

  2. Mitch
    April 10, 2007 at 10:01 | #2

    Be careful, dof, you may get put on the Terrorist Watch List and disallowed to fly like so many other political dissadents these days. :)

  3. April 10, 2007 at 10:06 | #3

    If this kind of stuff gets me on the list than so be it.

  4. April 10, 2007 at 14:16 | #4

    Thanks for passing it along, DOF!  I figure it’s kind of idealistic of us bloggers to think we can take on the professional spin machines, but then again, what choice do we have if we want the truth to win out?

  5. Ted
    April 11, 2007 at 08:18 | #5

    Of course, even more ultimately,…

    If using ultimately, you really should choose what is at the end of that spectrum.

    Sounds like being somewhat ambivalent on the subject. Like in—“Well, it’s my fault, but only because I was steered the wrong way.”

    Or something like that.

  6. April 11, 2007 at 17:33 | #6

    I have no problem with blaming Bush for losing the war..he blitzed in then only half stepped trying to secure it. One of the first rules of war is that ground taken and not secured is a waste of manpower and funds.

    But I also blame the left wing who has fought Bush at every step he has taken from the day the war started..it seems that the prez has been fighting two wars..one against the ragheads and one against the leftwing at home who are abetting the ragheads.
    Bush has made a common mistake politically..he has tried to please the left wing and every time he has they have used it against him..one would think he would remember how the left crammed his daddy’s words up his daddy’s butt..“Read My Lips” and that was after daddy caved in on the dim-a-crits tax hikes..

    But in any event..a nation so devided cannot possibly win a war against anyone..and I fear for the country because of this. The left wing apparently had rather learn to speak Arabic and bow to Allah five times a day than fight for freedom..and yes..the fight in Iraq is about Raghead terrorists…they were funding the Ragheads killing Israelis

  7. April 11, 2007 at 18:01 | #7

    “Read My Lips” and that was after daddy caved in on the dim-a-crits tax hikes..

    Yup and after that we had the strongest economy ever!

    I was going to respond to the rest of your nonsensical rant, but there is no point to that.  You give no links to support any claims and just go on and on about how it’s all the dems fault.  What a bunch of bullshit.  Just keep watching your Faux News and living in your blissfully ignorant world.

  8. Ted
    April 11, 2007 at 18:48 | #8

    But in any event..a nation so devided cannot possibly win a war against anyone..and I fear for the country because of this.

    The nation was very divided starting back in 1994 when the vast right wing conspiracy took over the congress. And since then, we waged a number of wars—that we won. Sure, they were chew-sized wars, but in no uncertain terms did we lose them. (We lost Somalia before 1994).

    We won’t win a war against others now because the military is broken, and despite our spending about $500B so far, most of that has gone to waste, fraud and mercenaries—not to enhance or replenish the military for the next one.

    It’s OK to blame the left wing, as long as you blame the right wing too. The important thing is to blame the population at large because they’re responsible.

  9. April 11, 2007 at 18:50 | #9

    Bush has made a common mistake politically..he has tried to please the left wing and every time he has they have used it against him.

    I’d really like to hear some examples of this.  While Bush has not-infrequently disappointed the far right, I really can’t think of any occurances where he’s “tried to please the left wing.”

  10. April 12, 2007 at 06:27 | #10

    It was the Project of a New American Century—PNAC—that is primarily responsible.

  11. Ted
    April 12, 2007 at 08:39 | #11

    Yeah, I remember that fateful day when PNAC engineered the coup.

    Sad day really—when a light was shone on the republic and what was exposed was an oligarchy controlled by Scaife and Olin.

    As a countermeasure against this type of thing, we should replace a Bush with a Clinton. Because it’s healthy.

  12. April 14, 2007 at 20:23 | #12

    “Of course, even more ultimately, the buck stops with the American people for electing, then reelecting him and his compliant Congress.”

    In the immortal words of Tonto, “What you mean, ‘we’ white man?”

    I’m not a Supreme Court Justice, and I didn’t vote for that, how did Vonnegut put it? “C student son of wealth with no understanding of either History or Science”.

  13. April 14, 2007 at 23:46 | #13

    I’m not a Supreme Court Justice, and I didn’t vote for that, how did Vonnegut put it? “C student son of wealth with no understanding of either History or Science”.

    Well, on one level, we Americans take some corporate responsibility.  We agree to abide by the legally determined results of the election.  Whether we voted for Dubya or not (and I didn’t), we agree to recognize him as our president (and, if we oppose him and his policies, work within the system to mitigate the damage and change things the next election).

  14. zilch
    April 16, 2007 at 10:57 | #14

    Who lost the war?  Everyone.

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