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Deep Thoughts’ atheist blogroll

March 15, 2007

MoJoey over at Deep Thoughts invited me to join his ever-expanding Atheist Blogroll, so I popped over and spent a little time surfing the links there.  Some of them were familiar to me, most were new.  I also picked up a new Humanist link that I’ll be adding to the sidebar.

What I found confirms in my mind the incredible diversity of nonbelievers out there.  There is a spectrum ranging from militant-and-hostile to inclusive and forgiving, intersecting at various points with other dimensions of rational perspective and cultural affiliation.  Which aligns neatly with my understanding of the diversity of Christians out there.  (I don’t know enough about Hinduism or Islam to say the same though it would surprise me if that weren’t the case about those religions as well)

Though I appreciate the offer, I believe I’ll pass on joining the blogroll.  But exploring it is a good antidote to the inclination to stereotype members of a diverse group.  In the long run I hope the most important group, the most influential, will be the invisible association of those who bridge differences between themselves and others.  And that group probably won’t even have a name.

Categories: Religion
  1. March 18, 2007 at 21:43 | #1

    Well, you only need a name if you’re trying to distinguish yourself as a different Us vs Them, right?

  2. April 1, 2007 at 12:01 | #2

    If you’re interested in exploring some of the diversity in Islamic thought these days, there’s not much better place to go on the net (so far as I know) than the Eteraz Organization: http://eteraz.org/  The site is both informative and entertaining.

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