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Constitution arrived!

October 6, 2005

As I mentioned on Constitution Day, you can order a FREE pocket-sized copy of the United States Constitution from the American Bar Association.  I did, and my copy came today.

Not only does it contain the full text of the United States Constitution, but lots of other goodies too: 

  • brief well-written facts about the Founding Fathers and about the Constitution,

  • Dates to remember
  • The Bill of Rights (even including proposed amendments that were never ratified)
  • The Declaration of Independence
  • Facts about the Supreme Court
  • Overview of how cases on the Supreme Court happen
  • 20 landmark cases in Supreme Court history
  • Supreme court justices
  • Index to the US Constitution and its amendments

In 64 wonderful pages, it is a model of succinct clarity, and a reminder of how much can be said in very few words.  Perhaps the author of the supplemental text (Terry L. Jordan) was inspired by the language of the Constitution itself.  It’s going right next to my copy of “Economist Magazine Pocket World In Figures” reference.  :-)

Categories: Books, Reviews
  1. cubic rooms
    October 8, 2005 at 11:50 | #1

    I just ordered my free copy and anxiously await its arrival.  You know, these could make nice, inexpensive xmas gifts.  Thanks for the info.

    BTW, I enjoy your site and stop by often, lurking mostly because I do not write so well.  Just wanted you to know.

  2. October 9, 2005 at 09:49 | #2

    Thanks, Cubic!  I’m just glad to have readers, lurking or otherwise.

    Hmm… I hope the constitution writers in Iraq took a good look at our constitution.

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