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This was my friend, Patches

April 3, 2010

A neighbor’s cat, but his own person.  Were it not for my own cats’ territoriality, he would have simply moved in with us.  He was a huge cat, around 20 lbs.  A hybrid of some big breed and some other big breed, probably.  In this picture he was hanging out with MrsDoF; her friend too.

He used to come over and hang out with me while I worked on my antique VW.  I’d hear his baritone greeting; “Morowwwwr” and he’d climb up into my lap and rest his old bones.  He’d lay his enormous head in my hand and we’d just be together.  He knew the sound of my bicycle and would come greet me when I got home from work.  I kept a comb on the picnic table for him.

At the neighbor’s anniversary party, he had a stroke and was paralyzed in his hindquarters.  It wasn’t the first time this had happened, and he didn’t seem to be in pain, so I went to a back bedroom and held him while the party went on.  He was very sociable – a neighborhood celebrity – so after a while I carried him out in the room for everyone to greet him.  The guests were unaware of his condition and he really seemed to enjoy the attention.  A few days later, after a visit to the vet, he was getting around just fine.

In 2008 winter was approaching, and I didn’t see him for a few days.  This was not unusual.  He obviously had arthritis and didn’t like cold weather.  But he’d been a foundling and still wanted to go out.

The neighbor knew we were friends and she told me; he went out one night and didn’t come back.  I wish she’d told me that cold night; I knew his route.

In the spring, another neighbor found him. One of his paws was snagged in the branches of a bush.  Only his bones remained, but I’d recognize that great head and the broken tooth and those huge paws anywhere.  It was agreed I would handle the burial. 

But before I could do it, I wound up in the hospital.  It’s amazing what surgery and convalescence can take out of you.  All Summer, and Fall, and Winter he stayed in a box in my garage.

I’ve been working hard to recover.  Still don’t have much strength in my arms and my shoulder is a mess, but I can operate a shovel again.  And it’s Spring, again.  So today I buried his bones, in one of his favorite spots, in a grave on a bed of leaves, and covered him in leaves, and laid the Earth upon him.

I love my own cats, but different friends fill different places in your heart.

Yes, I wept for a cat, who died more than a year ago.  I sure do miss him.  He was an awful good cat.

Categories: Uncategorized
  1. April 3, 2010 at 19:04 | #1

    It’s no exaggeration that cats are friends. They decide they like you or they don’t. They’ll hang out with you if they feel like, and when they don’t have some other pressing business. Living with them really is a negotiation, rather than training.

    Before they moved, my neighbor’s cat would visit when we were both outside. I’d leave him water so he’d feel welcome. I miss him sometimes, too.

    Patches looks a lot like one of my cats (albeit twice his size), who also loved people.

  2. April 3, 2010 at 19:29 | #2

    It was a kind and wonderful thing to do for an old friend George.

  3. April 3, 2010 at 20:26 | #3

    I had a cat sometime ago that I was especially fond of.  He was rather large for a cat, like Patches.  And, like Patches, he had some charisma to him.  I believe I can fully understand your missing Patches.

  4. April 4, 2010 at 16:38 | #4

    What a wonderful story and so honourable.

  5. April 4, 2010 at 19:39 | #5

    I like to think Patches will be waiting for his human’s at the Rainbow Bridge. It’s sappy perhaps, but it has made me feel better when I have lost one of the felines I have rescued to illness, cars, dogs or old age.

    It never gets easier either. I have rescued over 50 felines of various ages the last eight years and I weep for each one that leaves this earth much too soon.

  6. April 5, 2010 at 13:16 | #6

    My condolences on your loss, George.

  7. April 6, 2010 at 18:20 | #7

    It is fitting to mourn the passing of your friends.  You and I don’t limit the definition of “friend” to a single species.

    Just because they’re smaller and don’t live as long doesn’t mean they can’t wrap themselves around your heart.

    Rest in peace, Patches.


  8. April 6, 2010 at 22:54 | #8

    He was someone special.  I’m glad he had the right friend to give him the proper sendoff.

    And yeah, I cried when I read this.

  9. negativechris
    April 7, 2010 at 09:49 | #9

    I like how the perspective of this picture shows the cat to be at least as large as the woman sitting behind him.  He claws were huge too, and when you’d pick him up he would climb up to lay on your shoulder with his happy claws digging in. 

    He was a very good kitty.

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