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The Taco Bell dog’s plan for peace

November 14, 2009

Bumper sticker I saw this morning: “Drop bones, not bombs ~ Obey the chihuahua!”

From my photo album, Notes

I’m currently reading Richard Dawkins’ “Greatest Show On Earth” in which he discusses the genetic evidence showing that all dogs are descended from wolves.  I had a chihuahua once as a kid.  We named it “Fang” as it was a fierce and fearless little animal.  Not too smart though; it got hit by a car.  My next dog, “Shadow”, was a labrador/terrier mix that lived 19 years.

Anyway, the little dog has a point here: if we attended to humanitarian needs, bombs would no doubt be less necessary. 

Categories: Uncategorized
  1. November 15, 2009 at 03:33 | #1

    Depending on what height they’re dropping them from, dropping bones may not be such a great idea… oh, wait, we don’t have to take the Great Chihuahua literally, do we?  Then yes, by all means, follow the spirit if not the letter of his commandments!  (Another thing that would make the world a better place – not taking things too literally.)

    Fang.  Awesome.  That was my cat’s nickname, long ago, due to the fact we couldn’t find a kitty-sized leash and ended up with an inch-wide monstrosity.  Alas, she has tried to live up to said nickname.  She seems to believe she, too, evolved from wolves. 

    Why is it that small animals have such outsize personalities?

  2. November 15, 2009 at 20:58 | #2

    I’d hate to drop Bones, it’s one of the few lights on broadcast/cable TV that isn’t a real documentary.

    But yes … one of the themes I see in interacting with friends/relatives/people both “real” and online, is that there is a helluva lot more attention paid to anger and angst than the opposite.

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