Home > observations > Drilling


August 3, 2008

The gold color of the drill bit is its titanium nitride coating.  The curly plastic is some translucent PVC, I think.  And the gray ‘floor’ is the cast-iron platform of my drill press.  But the result was something I just had to share with you…

(Picture field of view 2.25 inches wide)

Categories: observations
  1. EdK
    August 3, 2008 at 17:38 | #1

    Looks like a museum T.rex wrapped around the axle. :)

  2. August 6, 2008 at 20:55 | #2

    Actually quite a pretty image.  Almost like lavender flowers or sea creatures adhering to something.

  3. August 8, 2008 at 01:06 | #3

    That’s absolutely gorgeous.  Whod’a thunk that a drill bit could be art?  Just goes to show: you can find beauty very nearly anywhere.  Thanks, George!

  4. August 10, 2008 at 11:44 | #4

    That really is lovely. How cool.

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