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Talk like a physicist day

March 14, 2008

Missed “Talk like a pirate day”?  It’s Talk like a physicist day!!!  Here are a few examples to get you started:

Any actual personal experience becomes “empirical data.” i.e. a burn on your hand is empirical data that the stove is hot.
You’re not being lazy, you are in your ground state.
A semi-educated guess is an extrapolation
You aren’t ignoring details, you are taking the ideal case

When I read the list, I realized how geeky our house is…
Tip ‘o the hat to Chad Orzel at Uncertain Principles

Update: I am pleased to note that today is also Pi day!  Will have to celebrate by having a piece of pie today.  Pies, after all, are round…  Oh what the hell, do I really need an excuse? MrsDoF just called to say she is bringing a homemade rhubarb pie home from the Mennonite Relief Sale.

Categories: Humor, observations